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Want to become better
at English?
This is a great club that can help you to practice English and become a better speaker all in a friendly environment.
원어민 전문 강사가 이끄는 체계적인 강의
-Practice Composition(작문 훈련)
You will compose 20 sentences in English about a daily topic, which is then corrected and returned for memorization.
-Correct Pronunciation(발음 교정)
While you speak your topic, the native teacher corrects common mistakes in pronunciation that could stop a native English speaker from understanding you.
즐기면서 배우는 스낵타임
-Cooking Time(간단한 요리 시간)
We usually fix lunch. While fixing lunch, talking is encouraged, and if you don't know a word, the teacher can teach it to you.
-Snack Time(스낵 타임)
While eating, We have conversation about a variety of topics.
After eating is finished, we mainly focus on asking questions to keep conversation flowing. The questions are sometimes common, but also sometimes complex and unusual.
원어민 강사와 함께하는 듣기 집중 훈련
If the day is a listening focused day, we do dictation. the teacher speaks 5-10 sentences out loud to the students at a natural speed for a native speaker. The students try to write the sentences exactly. The teacher then collects the sentences and corrects the mistakes.
토익, 오픽, 토플도 함께 준비하세요
In addition to regular work, the teacher offers to help any student with TOEIC, OPIc, or TOEFL examination study over kakao talk and in class.
과제로 더욱 집중적인 어법 훈련
Homework also plays a huge role in the class. Each week the student keeps a diary every day. While they compose their 20 sentences at the start of class, the teacher corrects your grammar mistakes in your diaries. Some students have chosen to submit OPIc style diary entries, which is completely fine. This is the main way grammar is learned and corrected in class - through homework
Contact me for more information.
궁금한 점 언제든지 전화, 문자 주세요 ^^
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