[Campus Briefing] Improper Measures Aggravated the Problems Caused by Sexual Harassment
This March, there was a sexual harassment at the MT of Department of Civil Engineering. Three male students applied toothpaste to the body of a sleeping male freshman student after stripping him off and took his pictures. Owing to the humiliation caused by that accident, the victim student had difficulties going through with the school life. On March 15, he reported what assailants inflicted on him to the university authorities to settle this problem. However, they did not take adequate measures. They just took superficial actions like promising to punish the assailants or recommending a leave of absence to the victim. In fact, the authorities did not actually take disciplinary actions against them. There are statutes regarding this situation. According to the statutes, inflictors must be punished immediately and be segregated from the victim. However, they have not been punished yet and the victim says that he often feels humiliated and mentally traumatized by encountering them. The authorities also violated the rule stating that when an accident is notified, the victim must be sent to a counseling center. A rough attitude such as neglecting university statutes aggravated the problem. It is the second time in 2016 at Konkuk University (KU) that sexual harassment occurred during college events. The news media with the former one enormously at the beginning of first semester and, the later one was reported on October 17. Before the accidents rose to the surface, there had been several problems at MT. The authorities took preventive measures such as sex education. However, it was a complacent action that overlooked an exact cause of an accident.
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